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Our range of JUNIOR bindings consists of “bespoke” models (to be screwed onto flat skis) and integrated XPRESS and KID-4 systems.

The SPX, NX and XPRESS are GRIPWALK®, and therefore compatible with the usual alpine standard ISO5355 A and the ISO 23223 A - GRIPWALK® A standard.

The TEAM 4 and KID-4 models are compatible, with no additional adjustment, with the following boots:

• ISO 5355 A

• ISO 5355 C

• ISO 23223 A - GRIPWALK® A

• ISO 23223 C - GRIPWALK® C

Thanks to their longer heel piece, the TEAM 4 and KID 4 models offer young skiers good comfort and excellent ease of use in all situations, in particular during release.