Designed for competitive skiers, the SPX 15 Rockerace binding is based on our World Cup styles, with which it shares its Hot Red colour.
Its extremely long elastic travel ensures excellent retention, instant power transfer and superior shock absorption for maximum reduced unwanted pre-release. Its short mounting zone and semi-suspended heel enhance ski flex for even more precision and control. It's only compatible with ISO 5355 A ski boots and skis equipped with an R22 plate.
Koncept ROCKERACE pochádza priamo z najnovších prototypov, ktoré používajú naši jazdci na Svetovom Pohári. Vďaka zníženej implantácii a polo pružnej päte vám umožňuje ovládať ešte viac ohyb lyže pri zachovaní maximálnej presnosti: BEZ KONTROLY SILA NIČ NEZNAMENÁ!