The Pivot 15 GripWalk® Cheeta binding features aluminum construction and a turntable heel piece for exceptional performance and reliability.
This limited edition is the "Signature" model designed by Tatum Monod: let the feline in you escape. Whether you're an expert freestyler or a lover of exceptional objects, this Pivot 15 is for you! Compatible with ISO 5355 A and GripWalk®ISO 23223 A adult shoe soles.
Pätka viazania SPX s dielne LOOK má dlhú elastickú dráhu 27mm pre prvotriedne tlmenie nárazov, spoľahlivé spojenie lyžiarok s lyžami, ktoré redukuje nežiaduce vypínania. Pätka viazania zlepšuje silu spojenia pre účinnejší prenos energie.