La fijación para esquís Pivot de freeride establece las normas del control y la liberación para los esquiadores más comprometidos del mundo.
La puntera Full Action de la fijación y el exclusivo diseño de su talonera "giratoria" ofrecen a los expertos esquiadores del freeski una conexión flexible entre la bota y el esquí para una transmisión de potencia instantánea y un control preciso del esquí. Ofrece una potente absorción de impactos y desplazamiento con retención y liberación seguras para el esquí dinámico.
Su tecnología es compatible con todas las suelas de bota tradicionales Alpine ISO 5355 y GripWalk® ISO 23223 A.

El diseño de la clásica talonera giratoria PIVOT de LOOK ofrece 28 mm de extensión elástica y rota directamente debajo de la tibia, proporcionando absorción de impactos de nivel de élite y la retención más fiable de la industria para una reducción significativa en la liberación previa no deseada.
I have a Look Pivot 12GW that was originally mounted for a 305mm shell. If I change boots, how long a shell can I use without having to remount the binding?
As long as the shell does not change you will not need to remount your bindings. If you go to a larger or smaller boot then you will need to have a certified technician remount to fit the new size.
Date published: 2020-12-30
Am I able to ski tour with these bindings?
No, these bindings are a traditional alpine binding, a ski touring binding is able to release the heel in order to tour.
Thank you
Date published: 2020-12-22
Hi I have a Salomon QST 118 underfoot. What would you recommend?
You will need to make sure the brake width on the bindings are compatible. The brakes can be bent slightly wider while mounting. I would suggest a 120mm brake.
Thank you
Date published: 2020-12-24
I have an 84 waist ski. Do you make brakes to accommodate a thinner ski in the pivot bindings?
The Pivot brake width that would accommodate your ski the best would be our B95 brakes which can accommodate a ski waist of 80 - 95mm. If you have any other questions, please feel free to send us an email directly at [email protected]
Thank You!
The Look Team
Date published: 2020-11-24
I have a pair of armada arv 96’s and was wondering if a 115 brake width would be too big? I was told that I shouldn’t go more than 15mm wider than the ski width, and the 95mm option is a bit too small.
When looking at swapping out brakes, our rule of thumb is to keep the brake difference under 20mm (10mm per side). The B115 would be the best option as you never want to bend or alter your brakes to fit your skis waist. If you have any other questions, please feel free to send us an email directly at [email protected]
Enjoy Skiing!
The Look Team
Date published: 2020-10-10
On a 95 waist ski (Icelantic Nomad 95) would you recommend the 95 brake or the 115 brake width?
You can use the 95mm brake on your skis.
Have a nice day.
The Look Team !
Date published: 2020-10-02
I have a Look Pivot binding now, love it. I'm purchasing Line skis that have a 107 waist. i 'm a male advanced skier who skis "Big Mountain" style in Colorado. I am 5'11" and ~145 lbs. Do you have a Pivot model you'd recommend that fits a 107 waist?
We offer a range of Pivot Bindings that would be a good fit for you. The best brake width would be our B115, which will accommodate a ski waist of 95 - 115mm wide. We recommend that your brake width is wider than the width of your ski, but offers less than 10mm of over hang per side. The B115 should be a great fit. We would recommend taking a look at the Pivot 14, Pivot 15 and Pivot 18 models. The Pivot 14 has a plastic toe piece where the 15 & 18 offer the full metal toe piece. We would recommend selecting a binding where your DIN setting falls within the middle of the DIN range of the binding. If you have any further questions, please feel free to send us an email directly at [email protected]
Enjoy Skiing!
The Look Team
Date published: 2020-07-24
I have 122mm Powder ski and i was wondering which binding should i get and which brake (no touring)
If your ski has a width of 122mm, we would recommend either the Pivot 14 GW B130 or the Pivot 18 GW B130. The B130 brake can accommodate a ski that is anywhere from 115 - 130mm. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out directly at [email protected]
Thank You!
The Look Team
Date published: 2020-06-29